This set was made and custom fabricated for Honda's masterpiece of an NA engine. This set of ITB was made for the B16A!!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
This set was made and custom fabricated for Honda's masterpiece of an NA engine. This set of ITB was made for the B16A!!!
Snappy Perdana's brakes serviced
Snappy met up with 003 first to go for a parts run to get all the seals and etc in preparation for the job ahead. After which, a short visit to Insa Dunia was in order to quench their thirst and burbling bellies! Hush Puppy arrived shortly to join the duo for a drink and a smoke as it was raining by then and work could not progress.
Once the rain stopped showering, the trio proceeded to the workshop and started work immediately on the car (Perdana). A multitude of things had to be done and so BCM Tan was called upon for an extra hand at the workshop. The entire brake system had been bled, stainless steel braided brake hoses were installed, the master pump was serviced and cleaned of all sludge and grime, and the front brake pads were changed.
Front brake pads were changed for a renewed feel and old rubber hose is seen atop.
Stainless steel braided brake hose had been installed for much improved pedal feel and pistons were serviced for safe and sustained driving. Look at how shiny it is!!!
These are samples of the old brake components which had to be replaced. The brake hose had expanded and those Bendix pads were worn so bad that the resin holding it together had been evaporated.
The fresh new Bosch Dot 4 Clutch and Brake Fluid in the newly serviced master pump along with fresh seals and piston.
Fresh and still VERY clear Bosch Dot 4. Ain't it a beaut?
The job was completed late at night due to a shortage of parts initially and ample distractions later on :P
The car feels great with progressive pedal feel and ample bite. Do consider doing this simple service before any hard driving if you had not yet done it. Had yet to test for touge or track, but testing will be carried out soon. See you all in March at the Dato Sagor track in Kg. Gajah!!!