Day 2....The fun begins.
Steven leads the convoy from the north. 15 cars turns up...who paid in advance.
They met up at Bukit Merah R&R as early as 7 am. with one 4x4 as a back up and crew members. Thanks to Touge Racing Absorbers Team.
Andrew,Tan and zoggee had their breakfast at thr resorts...overheard that the BC Mchine guys were already halfway thru the journey.They rushed out to met them...BC Mchine convoys arrived as plan. Tougeking was stuck in Ipoh...Hans ahad a minor accident.TougeKing had to wait for Han to sought out his problems.Then Han hitch a ride fromTougeKing.We feel bad for him.
Once we reached there...Tan was already there.Telling us that we need to park our cars to designated place to avoid parking problems.
Zogge came a few minutes later and brief the guys what and not to do in the track..then divide us to groups. G1 for track newbie...then BC Mchine guys who was there before sits with them.Not as instructors...but helps the newbie to familiarise themself in the track.
G2 for those who's driven there...reason we do that because we don't want the newbie to get panick when we drives together with them.
Zoggee leads them in the track ...telling us that passing not allowed for first 5 laps.
Video to be posted soon...
After that the G2 guys went in....
Steven with his E36 328i Manual
Andrew Honda EG6 B16A give chase ...Lao San with his Vios.
Fasso with his noisy AE92 4AGZE Levin Halfcut.
Andrew alwasy like to "tiong" ppl. Tan was the target of the day...
BC Mchine guys passing thur the grandstand..
Jay Kang with his E2 powerplant Perdana .
Then zoggee's friends from KL arrived.
Peng with his Subaru
Kenneth with his Smart Roadster
Verybody had some fun here and there...Then we had to stop to respect the Muslim as they are having their prayers. so we all stop for lunch.
The Fun starts later in the afternoon....its RAIN.
TougeKing went wild....he was drifting his Toyota Te72, zoggee couldn't resist he follow suit.
here's the pictures of them.
Zoggee and his Starlet a.k.a Kookaburra.
and Clement with his MMe Team...the driver arrived first,Clement got lost..he arrived later in the after noon.
His driver is awesome...he joined in the fun as well. Pullling the e brake and manage to pull out nicely.
Zogge droves his friend's BMW E30...fromKL. actually an American friend.
The Satria MME car was pratising and Lao Hia prepping up his Honda Accord H22A manual to
give chase... but fail.
Ah Siau with his Ford Laser ,Bert Mazda Interplay,Steven E36 328i, Fasso AE92
went in the wet track...
Ah Siau with his and his old skool Ford surprises everyone..cos his car is the least problem in the group.
Bert...still a bit blur.Keep asking about his racing line. Steven almost crashed his E36. Fasso was frigthened by Tan...why?? haha .........funny! Tan pulled the e brake but never realease...that startled Fasso and lifting off the throttle ...spinning the car 360.....!!!
Lau Hia...keep trying to drive fast in the wet...he got balls!
At the end of the day...everybody had fun.Our group are happy....Only minor set back was Tougeking was being abused...
- some of his friends who came acted taking two passengers.Not taking thier safety in hands and cost TougeKing a hard scolding from track owner.
-some of his friend who came and drives but paid half of the track fees...come on la. why no standard ....
-self called Driving Instructors who paid half the fees....somebody died and made you instructor ka??
TougeKing nearly incure a lost.
We...Team BC Machine paid in full. Won't jepeordise TougeKing reputation. And always practice Safety whenever driving in track. Zoggee even stops his brother Steven for not following the hands signals.
BC Machine have the rights to say this...cos it's consider our Track Day. We paid in full and in advance.
Anyway,we..the BC Machine guy will be going there again.Probably next year February. For those who is interested...please keep reading.
we will update our blog.!
Cheers..and Happy driving!